Examples Goals:
- Basic Manners (Greeting new people, patiently waiting at gates, doors, etc.) - Sit "Stay" -Down "Stay" -Leash Manners (Loose & Heel) -Recall "Come" Command -Place (Going where you point) -"Come Around" (to your left side) - "Side" (to your right side) -Working with Distractions -Playing well with other dogs -Body-handling -Individualized Problem Correction: Dog or People Reactivity - Advanced: Off-Leash Commands/ Heel |
1 Week Bootcamp: $1,050
Initial Consult & "Train the Owner Session” 6 Individualized Hr Long Sessions (+ 1 Train Owner Session= 7) 7 Day Board 2 Week Bootcamp: $2,150 Includes: Initial Consult & "Train the Owner Session” 13 Individualized Hr Long Sessions (+ Train Owner Session= 14) 14 Day Board 4 Week Bootcamp: $4,300 Includes: Initial Consult & "Train the Owner Session" 29 Individualized Hr Long Sessions (+ Train Owner Session= 30) 30 Day Board |
Financial Policies |
HoursMonday- Friday:
7 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. 6:30 a.m.- 7 a.m. Available by Appt Only Saturday & Sunday: 8 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. |
Telephone |